Monday, December 12, 2011

December - Singapore Quilters Challenge

Goodness where has the year gone?? Here are some photos of the recent show and lunch for Singapore Quilters and the Challenge - which was to use strips from a Jelly Roll or otherwise, no wider than 2.5". There was a great variety of styles and colours.

*Drum Roll*....Here is Vicki's quilt which took Second Prize in the show. It is stunning. Vicki is also an embroiderer and was inspired by the work of Marianne Burr when making this quilt. She moved out of her comfort zone working with these colours....and the hand stitching is gorgeous!! Well done Vicki!

Next is Kate's quilt - made of 2.5" strips - sorry Kate I cannot remember the name of the pattern! Kate had the quilting done in straight lines...looks fab

and then Chris' quilt - must have lost my notes as I cannot remember this pattern either!

and Alison's quilt called "Under & Over" from one of Kim Brackett's books; machine piece and machine quilted

Our Raffle Quilt Winner

and a final pic of the British Club with the quilts hanging in the background. Well done to the organising committee for a lovely lunch and show.