Carmen's "Blue Collection" quilt is a pattern by Maggie Walker which she purchased in Singapore. It took Carmen quite a while to collect all the different colours and get the reds and oranges 'just right' but again it shows persistence pays off with this stunning example.
Dal's wallhanging design of "Not Quite Cathedral Windows". Dal held a workshop for us to make these origami type blocks. They are stunning on the black background fabric.
Dal's red and yellow quilt was made using a wavy ruler, then the strips appliqued onto the background.
Sue's gorgeous Christmas wallhangings from a set of panels which came from the US.
This is Dal's Baby Bees quilt in green & yellow which has been machine quilted and tied.
Melinda made this quilt which I think was a block swap? It has been beautifully machine quilted by Desley from Addicted to Quilts in Melbourne. Melinda has kindly donated this quilt to Dal's African charity project.
Sue's lovely blue and red quilt has some of her own free motion quilting designs on it. Well done Sue!
This quilt of Sue's is her Tampa Quilt made while living there and took her 18 months to do. It is machine quilted.