Thanks to Michele for hosting today. For those of us living at ground level it was a novelty to watch the big tropical storm from up high! The rain was so heavy, we stayed and watched quilting videos – what a treat.
Get Well wishes to Miranda – we hope your recovery is swift and also to Kathy who we hope is out and about again soon.
The first pic is Michele and her Eye Spy quilt for one of her grandsons.
and a close-up
then some of Michele’s nine-pach blocks, intended for a Disappearing Nine Patch quilt design, also in Eye Spy fabrics.
Christina made this stunner from a pattern which was a Mystery Quilt pattern. She machine quilted it herself on a long-arm machine, which you can “rent” for the job at shops in the US. What a great idea!
and another one
It really has been SOOO hot and we haven’t had any rain for a while, so when it hit today, the temperature plummeted to about 26c and some of us felt Quite Cold!