Nice to have so many people here today and great to have visitors Loretta and Matthew, (Claudette's son') who helped her bring over suitcases and belongings as they are staying here for a while before leaving Singapore - in between cruises and trips to China of course. Then we welcomed back Rosemary after all these months and what an entrance she made, tripping over the threshold in her eagerness to be back. Fortunately with a pharmacist and doctor on hand she was soon mended and enjoying catching up with everyone.
Show and tell yielded some beautiful, diverse work. Maurine had a cloth designed by her and made by Christina I think at the Henderson Home. Elizabeth had a beautiful cushion (for her daughter?) complete with lovely little cat button. Christina had a block of the month quilt that she had had quilted in the States on a computerised machine. It is beautiful and she had been able to have a lot of input into the design which is always nice. Maggie’s applique quilt was quilted in Indonesia with variegated thread and they have done a fantastic job incorporating stems and insects and drawing together something that we have seen evolve over the last few months.
We are all getting excited about the Quilt Challenge so don’t forget to buy your ticket and raffle tickets and fill in the entry forms if you haven’t already done so.