Thursday, June 3, 2010

Show & Tell June 2010

Thanks Maggie for hosting this week.  We were busy auditioning and cutting fabric this week as well as our Show & Tell

Melissa has completed the top for her baby quilt in a Chinese Coins pattern for her very own baby, expected very soon.  It will be great to welcome an ANZA baby.

NigelParty 064 Maggie has completed another baby quilt; this one has a lovely embroidered panel in the centreANZAQ 005 ANZAQ 006Tiiu put together squares from a Moda fabric range which will now have applique or embroidery added

ANZAQ 007Tiiu – appliqued tree and birds     


Kate’s version of a Sue Spargo design. Kate has made hers with Japanese fabricsANZAQ 010and the back of the quilt…  ANZAQ 014

Kate’s Spiderweb quilt

ANZAQ 015and a close up…

ANZAQ 017 Apologies for the bad focus…I need to attend one of the ANZA Photography courses!