Tuesday, August 19, 2008


We met at Sandra Y's today. Thanks for the lovely hospitality and thanks to Alison for providing the lovely fare. Alison's Yummy recipe is in the group's recipe file further down in this blog.

Welcome back to Lorraine who has been away for a while and welcome to Judy Crispe. We'll ask Judy to let us know a little about herself in the next blog.

We circulated the current mailing list and I'll attempt to update the amendments and circulate that soon. If you have any updates and were not at today's quilting meeting, please let me know as soon as possible. As the blog is not private we will not be posting the contact list here - it will come to you separately in an email.

Those who have been with the group for a long while will rememebr when we used to get large newsletters with photos sent to our email addresses, but most internet hosts would reject them because of size and disallow dowloads - therefore some received them and others didn't.

To alleviate this problem and to centralise information this blog has been created. It doesn't get downloaded to your computer, you read it on the web and you can chose to participate/read/contribute, or not.

It was agreed today, when there were blog updates, that a quick email should be sent to all members.

Please remember to bookmark the site and refresh - for quick access in future.
Thanks to Sandra for showing the blog via her computer today.

The Show and Tell photos will still continue to appear in shutterfly and the blog, but the blog will give the quilters an opportunity to explain their quilts and pass on any handy hints on techniques etc. with a brief description as it used to be in the old days of the Show and tell photo album - but done digitally on the blog now.

I had mentioned I'd try and give everyone "writers access" and block the site from outsiders, but I've just realised what a huge job that is creating separate email address and passwords for every member. Maybe in the future when I have more time and depending on the use of the blog. For now any amendments, articles, ideas etc can come to either myself (Miranda) or Sandra Y, who as of today has agreed to be a back up editor for the blog.

A request was made for a few small quilts to be brought to the next quilting meeting so I can take some to the ANZA Newcomers Morning where newcomers are introduced to Singapore and the activities of ANZA (including groups like ours). Good PR for our group.

Janice is still in England looking after her mum and will be returning to Singapore next week. Please direct any queries to me in the meantime. When Janice returns and finds her feet again, we'll ask her to put up some of the photos of the Birmingham Quilts show she attended and we look forward to hearing and seeing more from Janice in person soon.

There were a few volunteers put their hands up for hosting and refreshments for the next few weeks. Can you please check the list and see if you can chip in somewhere if you are currently not on the roster for hosting or refreshments. Thanks everyone.

Look forward to seeing you all next week at Maureens.

Warmest regards from