Saturday, August 23, 2008


Betty just e-mailed me with the wonderful news:

"I got a call from Courtney's dad this morning saying that Courtney had a
boy a few days ago, he came a month early. So the baby shower is off for
tomorrow until she some other time soon. All are well and maybe I will get
to see Courtney at the Wesley hospital which is where I volunteer every
Tuesday. The baby has to stay in the maternity ward for a few more weeks
but Courtney is going home either tomorrow or Monday, but naturally she will
visit every day."

I just received more news. Hamish is doing well - has reached his birthweight but is still in hospital.

I hope we'll get some photos soon, and I'll post them for the clucky ones amongst us.

By the way here is Betty's banner.....

Sandra will be sending photos of her bags soon.