Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bushfire Quilt Project

Today some members expressed an interest in making some blocks for quilts for victims of theBushfire tragedy in Victoria, Australia. I joined a Group on Flickr (Bushfire Quilt Project) being co-ordinated by an American military wife living in the Northern Territory, who is collecting “Wonky Star” blocks and together with her quilt group and guild, making quilts for donation to Victoria. There are lots of examples of the blocks which have already been made – they look fantastic.

My online group, Southern Cross Quilters (SCQuilters) is also making quilts and have several members located all over Victoria who have contacts with emergency services so that they make sure the quilts are going to exactly where they are needed. There are also members in other States willing to be drop-off points for any donations and I can forward details.This will be an ongoing project, as the victims who have lost their homes and choose to rebuild, will not be in a new home for possibly 12 month or longer. The co-ordinators have set up a Blog Oz Comfort Quilts and hope to keep a record of the donations and recipients.

If anyone would like to contribute, I am happy to be a co-ordinator for blocks and/or quilts and perhaps if we get enough we can put some quilts together ourselves. I see it as on ongoing charity throughout the year with no rush to get anything done immediately.

Tutorials for Wonky Star or Maverick Star block are at The Silly Boo Dilly and Quiltville. I am making 12.5” (unfinished) blocks, but 6.5” (unfinished) would be suitable as well. I have added a Button to the sidebar with a link directly to the pics of the 230-odd starswhich have been contributed already.

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