Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Quilters in Singapore Lunch 2012

It's that time of year again when quilters living in Singapore gather to share lunch and craft.
It was quite a large turn out, with lots of interesting stalls, including a tatting demonstration!  This year there was no judging so the pressure was off. Instead, entrant's names were put in a hat and many won great prizes from the sponsors. 

Martina did a great job.
Everyone who attended received a generous goody bag!
Elizabeth drew the winning ticket for the charity quilt that she had donated this year.
                                                                     Here's the lucky winner.                                                                                                                         
Here's some of the entries from ANZA...


Outside inspiration...
One from the British Club, I imagine!
This quilt was beautiful.
And finally...
Speeches were made and flowers and prizes were given, the food was good and all-in-all it was a great day!
P.S. Kate is wearing a jacket made from a quilt.

1 comment:

StitchyAddiction said...

Oh I wish I was there!!!! Still solo quilting over here. Funny place this England is. All your quilts look fabulous! Xx