Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Charity quilt project

It's been a while since our last blog post, and a lot has happened since then....

We have said goodbye to several members who have gone back to their home countries. One of these is Carole who was doing a great job on our blog. Thanks  Carole for all your work and we wish you and your family all the best in settling back home in Australia . We have also said our goodbyes to Sandra, Marg, Elizabeth and Patty (temporarily as we have to share Patty with the USA for a couple of months each year)

We also welcomed new members including Roberta,  Leone , Lily, Kym and Sharon.  (My  apologies if I have missed anyone)

The last couple of weeks we have been busy working on a charity quilt at our weekly meetings at the Hollandse club.  This will hopefully be raffled off for a charity once it's finished. Great teamwork everyone and the quilt looks great!

 Charity quilt blocks

Busy behind the machines

From Left: Wendy, Ya Hui,Leone,Kathy, Kath and Roberta

Next week we are not meeting at the Hollandse club but will be back there on the 12th of August.

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