Friday, August 22, 2014

Anza Quilters Tuesday 19 August

We were a small group again this week but we did finish the top of the charity quilt that we are working on....

This is now heading off to our super dooper long arm quilter to be quilted!

Kathy showed us her wonderful pink and white quilt.  This lovely quilt was heavily quilted in straight lines and looks fabulous...

The last quilt on display was one of Marianne's customer t-shirt quilts which has also just been quilted on Jessie's new long arm machine.  This one is ready for trimming, binding and then will be winging its way to Australia.

Special thanks to Edwin, (staff of the Hollandse club) for being a good sport and standing on the tables and taking the photos for us!

Some of us will be going to KL to visit the MANZA quilt group in the first week of September.   We will be driving up on the Tuesday and coming back Thursday.

Programme will look a bit like this:

Day 1 - tues sept 2 nd . Ladies will arrive around lunch time . As an ice breaker we have the jelly roll race which should be fun !  

Day 2 - Marianne will do a workshop on fabric postcards . Later Elaine will demo for a confetti quilt , which we could do at a later date when the KL ladies comes down to us . 

Day 3 - just a short project that we can finish in a morning, this will be Manza's choice- maybe the scrap fabric baskets or a thread catcher or something  like that . 

We will order in lunch and dinner is yet to be planned. 

There is still space available if any more would like to come.   Please contact either Roberta or Marianne.

See you all next Tuesday!

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